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2020 Toronto Star Short Story Contest Winner
Beautiful, evocative prose.
The eye for the telling detail paired with solid dialogue and a narrative that moves between past and present with ease, this poignant story captured time and place, and the immediate attention of all the judges.
My boys love this book. We had the older version from the library and had to get this Second Edition!


Adam Elliott Segal's award-winning fiction and nonfiction has been published in leading Canadian magazines and newspapers over the last two decades, including recent stories for The Toronto Star, The Globe and Mail and TVO. His short story "Burning" won the 2020 Toronto Star Short Story contest and “The Dahlia" was nominated for a 2020 National Magazine Award. "The Black Market Babies of Montreal,” an investigative piece about his mother’s adoption, was the cover story of the 2017 summer issue of Maisonneuve. A freelance writer and editor, he lives in Toronto with his wife, son, and their cat, Cleo. If you'd like to work with me, get in touch below!